Heritage Assessment

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Heritage Assessment

Heritage assessment of African Americans


Heritage refers to all the assets and rights belonging to a person, or entity. Historically, the idea of heritage was linked to that of inheritance. It is one of the basic concepts of civil law and has interest from both a theoretical standpoint and from the practical point of view, because it relates to many institutions of private law. Heritage is a hardware that consists primarily of built landscapes, architecture and urban planning, geological and archaeological sites, some accommodation of agricultural land or forest, art objects and furniture, Industrial Heritage (tools, instruments, machines, buildings, etc.). Intangible heritage can take many forms; songs, costumes, dances, gastronomic traditions, games, myths, tales and legends, odd jobs, testimonials, capture techniques and skills, written documents and records (including audio-visual) and others. Heritage uses the idea of a legacy left by the generations that preceded us and that we must pass intact or increase the same in future generations and build wealth for tomorrow. It goes well beyond mere personal property (the right to use "and abuse," according to Roman law) (Spector, 2004).

The purpose of the study is to employ the heritage assessment tool and discuss its usefulness by applying to the needs of a person. The paper would present the learning outcomes of the assessment, compare and evaluate the differences in the health tradition, health maintenance, health protection and restoration by interviewing three families of different cultures.

Heritage Assessment Tools

The heritage assessment is a tool of health intellectual approach to the collection of data presented by a person or a group of people. The assessment allows the heritage data collection physiological, psychological, sociological and spiritual of a person in order to conduct the analysis health tradition of different cultures. The assessment is used in the first phase of the heath process in which the nurse provides a comprehensive collection of data using the data collection nurse, the medical history of person and his life story. The professional uses a frame-based nursing school of thought (Fairclough, 2008).

The purpose is to identify the health problems presented by the person. The report of the evaluation is discussed as a present or potential problem. Present problems are identified and prioritized the state can or nursing diagnoses. Potential problems set out the risks. The heritage assessment is also used to assess the achievement of objectives set upstream of the initial approach to care.

Promoting health is an essential element for economic and social development and helps prevent health inequalities. One should consider the needs specific people and to participation at individual and community levels. Awareness about the difficulties of access to health for the population excluded socially vulnerable is the first step. Moreover it may affect: Prioritizing health education to health care front. Reflect and promote actions aimed at creating relationships healthier prioritize human development and social networking promote support to individuals, social groups, Community reinforcing everything. Promote public health policies that invest in prevention and health education of disadvantaged ...
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