This paper would identify diseases which can cause abnormal liver function which can be indicated by Symptoms and Specific Signs.
This paper will focus on treatment, diagnosis and prevention of different liver diseases and major focused on Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E.
Also, it will define their types and treatment of all types of hepatitis and would recommend precautionary measures to avoid potential threat.
When a virus causes inflammation of liver then it is known as Viral hepatitis. There are several types of viruses, known as hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E viruses, which are main reason for viral hepatitis. All of the abovementioned viruses can cause short term, or acute, viral hepatitis. Chronic hepatitis can also be caused by hepatitis B, C, and D viruses, in which the illness extended, sometimes for a whole life. Chronic hepatitis may lead to liver cancer, cirrhosis, or liver failure. Researchers are exploring possibilities for other viruses and may cause hepatitis, but nothing significant with certainty was identified so far. Other viruses, less often have an effect on liver include Epstein-Barr virus, also known as infectious mononucleosis; cytomegalovirus; parvovirus; adenovirus and herpesvirus.
Viral hepatitis, Symptoms
Its Symptoms include
4.Loss of appetite
5.Abdominal pain
6.Jaundice, in which yellowing of eyes and skin occurs
9.Low grade fever
However, it was observed that these symptoms do not occur in some people.
Hepatitis A
How it spread?
This form of hepatitis primarily spread through contaminated water or food from an infected person's feces. Rarely, it observed that this virus spreads through infected blood's contact.
Who has a threat of hepatitis A?
Most likely, people may expose to get hepatitis A include
1.People who have sex or live with an infected person.
2.Day care employees and children, during outbreaks.
3.People who have sex with others of the same sex.
4.People residing in such areas where their children not vaccinated against hepatitis A routinely and outbreaks expected to occur most likely.
5.Illicit drug users.
6.International travelers, specifically those who used to travel in developing countries.
How it can be prevented?
Hepatitis A vaccine offers protection to children (older than 12 months) and adults. It is recommended by The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control to conduct routine vaccination of hepatitis A for those adults who are most likely to get infected and children aged between 12 to 23 months. Short-term immunity to hepatitis A can be achieved through immune globulin if given within 2 weeks of exposure or before exposure to the disease. Hepatitis A, Treatment
This type of hepatitis usually resolves itself within a ...