Hedonism In Criminal Justice System

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Hedonism in Criminal Justice System



Forms of Hedonism2

Hedonism in Criminal Justice System3

Deterrence Theory3

Motivational Factors Supporting Hedonism4

Crime and Hedonism4



Hedonism in Criminal Justice System


The application of ethics is of high concern in today's society as it is beneficial for the general public as well as criminal justice system. Applying ethics in daily lives complies with the performance of duties in the best possible way by all public servants as well as the general public (Feldman, 2007). In this assignment, the relationship of hedonism with the criminal justice is studied. Hedonism is one of the ethical theories that are studied to learn about the behavior of criminals. Due to this, the importance of understanding hedonism in criminal justice is of key value. Hedonism plays an important role in defining the behavior of the criminals. If the behavioral patterns of these criminals are studied, then the rate of crime in rational societies can decrease at notable rate. This paper explore the possibilities of associating punishments for such criminals with the pain that is lesser than pleasure they gain from committing the crime.


Before studying hedonism with respect to criminal justice, it is important to understand the term. It was first defined by a Greek philosopher named as Epicurus. Banks defined hedonism in 2009 in a traditional approach that proposes that pleasure itself is intrinsically good (Goldsmith, 2012). According to him, doctrine of pleasure is sole good holds true. All philosophers believe that every human beings aim for pleasurable living, and that forms the hedonism concept.

Forms of Hedonism

Psychological Hedonism: In this form of hedonism, the aim of all activities of human beings is to pursue the pleasure. Human beings actions are to attain pleasure and to avoid any pain in the lives. Ethical Hedonism: The concept is different in a slight way. According to this theory, human beings not only aim to attain pleasure, but they are supposed to seek pleasure. It is because pain alone is good.

Hedonism in Criminal Justice System

The criminal justice system applies both forms of hedonism to study the criminal's behavior. Psychological hedonism proposes that criminal's actions are based on motivation. They are driven by pleasure attainment. Ethical hedonism suggests that pursuit of pleasure is normative. If the reasons of behavior and actions of criminal are clear, then the justice system is able to declare right punishment for the law offender (Feldman, 2007).

The application of hedonism in criminal behavior suggests that every person has a different way of thinking, analyzing and acting. If system begins to know the person, then a pattern in thoughts can also be found out. It is the duty of behavioral scientists to study such patterns but criminal justice system and law enforcement bodies can also use this information to monitor and critically analyze the behavior of criminals that are dangerous for society. Serial killers are the example of such criminals (Borsky & Raschky, 2009). The psychological reasoning exists behind the actions of such criminals that make then commit certain actions.

Deterrence Theory

This theory was proposed by Jeremy Bentham which strongly ...
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