Heathrow Airport

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Report on Analysis of Strategic Operations: Heathrow Airport

Executive Summary

Heathrow is the busiest international airport and is the significant contributor of UK economy. This paper provides an analysis of strategic operations at Heathrow airport. In order to do so, this assignment critically assesses the link between business and operational studies; appraises the issues related to layout, technology use and process type; and reviews the exploitation of the value chain and quality.

Heathrow airport strategies are linked with the vision and mission of the organisation. There is a strong link between organisational and business strategy of the company. The business strategy of Heathrow emphasis on continuous improvement of quality either by making the operations smooth or by enhancing the service experience of customers. Business leaders at Heathrow recognised that the link between the strategy of the organisation and its operations refers to the key determinant of its capability for sustainable survival and to achieve long-term success.

Some issues regarding layout, process type and use of technologies, such as has a limited site for a global hub airport, the company has two operational runways function at a capacity, and aircraft generates the noise over flying the nearby towns and cities. Additionally, Heathrow has improved in terms of baggage performance and punctuality. The company adopted new technology in order to enhance the process, the passenger experience's quality and product of security as verified technologies become accessible.

Executive Summary2



Links between Operations Strategy and Business Strategy4

Issues Relating to Layout, Process Type and Use of Technologies7

Critical Appraisal Heathrow's Exploitation of the Value Chain and Quality10



Report on Analysis of Strategic Operations: Heathrow Airport


One of the busiest international airports is Heathrow. Heathrow Airport is situated on the western periphery of London. During the year 2010, Heathrow handled about 66 million travellers on roughly 460,000 flights. Heathrow airport has four terminals and two runways and about 90 scheduled flights fly from Heathrow to 176 locations across the globe (www.heathrowairport.com). Heathrow is the only hub airport in the United Kingdom and is essential for the growth of UK economy. These airports have a significant role in the economy as high share of transfer customers allows them in order to keep a profitable and frequent system of direct long haul routes of air that might not be support through a point-to-point airport. Close to the main line route of rail and two motorways from Paddington to the south-west, it refers to a high emission area. Operations of airport add to them and emissions of aircraft considerable at the site that is directly adjacent to the airport.

The aim of this paper is to critically assess the strategic operations at Heathrow Airport. For better understanding, this assignment critically assessment of the links between operations strategy and business strategy, issues relating to layout, process type and use of technologies, and exploitation of the value chain and quality.


Links between Operations Strategy and Business Strategy

The operations of an organisation are concerned with offering services/ producing goods for customers and with getting things ...
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