Healthy People 2020

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Healthy People 2020

Healthy People 2020


I have chosen the topics of immunization and the usage of tobacco to analyze the situation about the healthy people in year 2020. I have deeply studied the topic discussion and used the sources from the internet. All the information I have read comprised in order to briefly talk about the importance of these two topics. Further I hope my paper will help the reader to find basic and significant notes of the two issues in medical science.

Child Immunization

Immunization is the procedure of fortifying the immune system of a child against an agent which is called as immunogen. When the system is faced by the external molecules that are attacking the body outside form the environment it is called non self. The immunization process develops the ability of the person to respond the encounter from outside the body.

The most significant factors of the immunization which improved the overall capability of the body counter with the problems are T-cells, anti bodies B cells and the B cells. Passive immunization is process when body generate itself the elements which counter these problems by it.

There many ways of performing immunization most commonly used is the vaccination. Microorganisms which creates the diseases within the body; they are dealt with vaccines. Vaccines create a body mechanism which helps the body in order to protect from the infections.

Active immunization among children refers to the idea that process will start naturally. When a child has connected with the microbe and has not taken measure for the defense. The immune system will create antibodies and other defenses against these microbes. If the immunization from the outside is done among the children next time it will deal with microbes more strongly and keep the body of the child safe. Active immunization sometimes defined as when the immunes are injected in the body before the diseases are about occurs.

The effectiveness of child immunization depends upon the ability of the vaccination and the strength of internal body immune system and the strength of the disease which is attacking on the body from outside. Passive immunization is the process when pre defined and pre synthesized formula and elements are transferred to the body of the child so that the body of the child does not need to produce these elements by itself.

Currently, most of time antibodies are being used for the passive immunization. This method or way of immunization starts working very quickly. But the problem is that sometimes it is for short period of time because the antibodies are broken down naturally and sometimes there are no B-cells to produce more antibodies. Passive immunization also occurs when antibodies are transmitted to children from their mother. These antibodies are also transferred from mother to children during pregnancy so that a healthy child can take a birth in the society.

Artificial passive immunization is taken place when the injection process is used to protect the child from the ...