Healthcare Teams And Collaboration

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Healthcare Teams and Collaboration

Healthcare Teams and Collaboration


In a professional setting, team work is essential. These teams vary in terms of inclusion of the experts, based on their professional specialty. The two broad categories of teams are the intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary teams. These teams differ as they include experts of diverse expertise and proficiencies. However, they work for the same goal. Considering a profession, as critical as healthcare, the team effort holds key importance. The life of the patients depends on the team performance and efficient communication of the team members. The nursing professionals, being the pillars of the healthcare system, should deliver the best support and care to the patient, while they work in different intra or interdisciplinary teams.

The primary aim of this assignment is to discuss the differences between the intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary teams, and the role of effective communication skills on teamwork. The assignment further discusses the role of teams in the empowerment of nurses and the patients, and how the team helps in professional development of nurses.


Defining the Intradisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Teams

The interdisciplinary teams are the group of experts belonging to different professions, working in a team for a common goal (Nies, Hepworth, Fickens, 2001). An example that can be taken to describe such collaborative team performance is of the team of health care workers including physicians, nurses, pharmacists and mental health workers on a case of mentally ill patient.

The intradisciplinary teams are, however, many. They consist of professionals that belong to the same profession and works collaboratively t deliver adequate care and support. An example, taken in this regard, is of the nursing teams working within a healthcare entity.

Differences between Intradisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Teams

There are many differences between the performance of an intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary team in the healthcare setting. Some of the significant differences has been given in the table below.

Table 1

Intradisciplinary Team

Intradisciplinary Team


All the professionals belong to the same area of expertise working for the same goal

All the professionals belong to several areas of expertise, working for the same goal


The professionals can help each other, covering up the mistakes and, therefore, adding to the quality of performance

The professionals work in different manners, but effective communications can help to cover many aspects of the patient care


Encourages innovations from the experts of the same field

The providence of innovative approaches could be enhanced by experts of different fields within healthcare. Hence, the basis of innovations is a broad spectrum process, with a variety of views


Provides with linkage between the healthcare workers of the same profession

Provides with linkage in between the professionals belonging to different healthcare expertise, therefore, an extended healthcare approach to the patient

Place of the Patient within a Team

The healthcare teams work with the fundamental goal of providing patients with adequate care and support. While this approach remains to be the primary focus of practice, the position of the patient is critical. These healthcare teams work in close collaboration, implementing evidence-based practice, to ensure better health and quality of life of the individuals (O'Daniel, Rosenstein, ...
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