Healthcare Services To Vulnerable Population

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Healthcare Services To Vulnerable Population

Healthcare Services To Vulnerable Population


Reduction of healthcare disparities is said to be a goal of every heath care entity in the United States. When it comes to the current state of the health care it tends to raise many ethical concerns about the degree to which it is provided to the population of United States. The issue in relation to the adequate health care has been noticed by not only the government, but also the health care providers as well as the professional associations (Sultz et al, 2010). It is the American Nurses' Association also known as AMA that has acknowledged the health care disparities as well and urges to implement a reform that can ensure that all people regardless of caste, creed and gender and age should be provided with health care that is quality oriented. All of the health care institutions are said to currently view the state of health care as a concern that is primary and alarming at the same time. Disparities in healthcare is said to be a common sight when it comes to different segments of the society and specially when it comes to the elderly, homeless and the minorities (

Healthcare Disparities in Vulnerable Population

There have been many healthcare entities that have said to highlight the fact that health care has also been a primary concern when it comes to the elderly patients. They have been facing hardships in not only accessing it but also having it of utmost quality or the quality they deserve but the medical entities cannot be blamed either since their reimbursement rates are also declining considering they have higher overhead expenses. It is because of this fact that they are said to reduce the number of Medicaid patients that they come across or completely detaching themselves of the Medicaid facility.

When it comes to homeless people, there has been a bundle of evidence since homeless people tend to be deprived of a proper shelter; they are bound to be deprived of other needs as well such as proper food and water. They live in night shelters whereby there are no facilities where they are able to live a quality oriented life. With time their health is bound to deteriorate since they are not able to attain the optimum level of nutrients and knowing that they are unemployed there is no source to better their living styles. Such population is bound to undergo physical and mental health issues. There have been sources that have concluded that homeless people are not able to live beyond 45 and eventually die (

When it comes to the minorities, based on the 2000 US consensus, there have been approximately13 percent of the population of USA that are Hispanic, Cubans, Puerto Ricans. Since the year of 1990, the population of USA which has Hispanic has said to increase to a total of 58 percent and when it come to analyzing the population there are 32.1 percent of the Hispanic population which ...
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