Healthcare Services

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Healthcare Services

[Name of the institute]Introduction

Malpractices in the profession of medicine have always been the topic of some popular debates. This article on “A Better Approach to Medical Malpractice Claims?” is joint efforts that tend to find the root causes of medical malpractices. They wanted to learn about a variety of discrepancies that could lead an angry patient involve judiciary for the corrections. This article aims to compare the conventional approaches in order to justify their claim. The study suggests some honest improvements to healthcare services assessments that lead to clinical improvements to lessen injuries and harm to the patients. What causes the patients to hire lawyers and sue the healthcare service providers? According to Baker (2008) there must be some factors of significant nature that are propagating the misuse or overuse of power and authority. It can also be the outcome of grave negligence. The process of litigation is quite expensive and may prolong on to number of trials. On the other hand, the insurance industry has raised the premiums and placed the blame on the inclusion of litigation. The University of Michigan has taken a serious interest in establishing the researches; however, they believe that the required corrections are still not fixing the scope of malpractices within the healthcare services (Boothman et al., 2009).


There is a gap between patient's expectations and physician's ethical duties. The patients when enter the hospitals, they believe that they will come out as a cured healthy patient and there is no other option for the care givers. Nevertheless, in reality they care givers are bound to implement every possible treatment that can cure the health complaint of the patient. Many of the hospitals ignore the fact that they must communicate what they can actually do and in their limits. They cannot give patient another ...
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