Healthcare Reforms

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Healthcare Reforms

Healthcare Reforms


Healthcare Reforms in the country has a terrible impact over the healthcare system. There are a number of issues that are related to healthcare reform, which does not comply with the established health care system of the country. The legislation proposed for such reforms only involve those elements which finance the current system and initiate ways to distribute the cost of such reforms over the customers. There are inefficiencies prevalent in our current healthcare reforms which lead to inappropriate and unneeded treatment procedures. Redundant healthcare procedure accounts for more than 17 billion dollars and another 37 billion dollars for the inappropriate treatment procedures. It should also be noted here that this data accounts for only 10% of the total healthcare system of the country, and now we can imagine the colossal impact of the rest of the 90% (Lombardo, 2009, pp. 1-5). The inefficiencies in the delivery of healthcare reform results in additional cost and additional healthcare issue with the recipients of such treatments. There are a number of factors which results in the increased cost of our healthcare system. Such factors contribute to the total expenditure and healthcare facilities are becoming unaffordable for the general public. These factors include labor, technology, litigation, administration and profits.

Cost of labor and services varies from one part of the country to the other part. No matter where a patient receives the medical care there is a huge cost associated with the services of doctors, nurses, technician and diagnosticians. The cost of the treatment process adds to the total cost for healthcare reforms. Technology is another factor which assists this increase in the overall cost of the healthcare reform. The advancement of medical technology and it application in community facilities have incurred a enormous expense at the healthcare providers end. Local patients have to pay the price to cover their costs. Technology will always increase the cost of the healthcare reforms no matter which system pays for it. Litigation causes the healthcare providers to incur more expenditure on the diagnosis. There are a number of studies conducted which claims that doctor and healthcare providers, in order to save themselves from law suits incur additional cost on the facilities, diagnosis and treatment process, than usual. Another area in this regard is defensive medication (Lombardo, 2009, pp. 1-5). According to one study 18% to 28% of the tests, referrals, procedures and consultations were for ...
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