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Healthcare Practice Marketing

Healthcare Practice Marketing


Health-care is the most important sector in U.S. This sector really focuses on the marketing of Health-care practices. There has been a debate over the private healthcare system which is prevalent in the United States. The existing conditions have led several to search for alternatives. This Health care practices will help in minimizing the issues related to Health-care industry,


Practice Marketing will help in the following area:

Reduce Administrative Costs

As a result of free healthcare system, there will only be a single administration. This means that there will be no competition. Therefore the overall costs for medical and healthcare would decrease. As of now, there are various cases of frauds and duplications in claims because of various other healthcare plans. In addition, the system can become more effective and efficient than before. Process of claims can also become smoother and administration can have cost-effective procedures. Employers can also benefit from this as they will not have to offer expensive insurance to their employees. If there is a single administration, then there would be no need for contract negotiations (Sultz & Young 2011).

Healthcare for Every U.S Citizen

There are millions of US citizens who do not have health insurance or have inadequate insurance because of poor economic conditions. In addition, there are other reasons such as loss of jobs and many uncontrollable factors. Under the free healthcare reform, a citizen would not be turned down if he is unable to pay for healthcare services. Healthcare services will be free for every citizen and nobody will have to fall through the cracks. Moreover, citizens will be entitled to receive essential services such as diagnoses, free medications and treatments.

American Medical Statistics Would Improve

United States has a high rate of infant mortality as compared to various other nations. Furthermore, ...
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