Healthcare Plan

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Healthcare Plan

Healthcare Plan


In well-run health care organizations, I observe that within the dimensions specified time, the project plans, the formal plan long term plan and short-term results are structured primarily according to the levels of the organizational structure, i.e., according to the levels of authority and responsibility, secondly, according to product lines or services. Under this system of reference, objectives and plans of the various responsibility centers together form the objectives and plans of the company as a whole (Dunn, 2002).

As a result, global plans results usually are developed in accordance with the following general pattern and on an annual basis:

Top management sets general objectives, assumptions and planning guidelines, which are transmitted to managers of sub-units thereof;

The administrator of each sub-unit, according to the general guidelines, draw up its own segment of the overall plans of results;

The administrator of each subunit presents its segment results plan to senior management for review, evaluation and modifications when necessary;

Approved plans of each sub-unit plans are consolidated into results for the entire health care organization.


The objectives and responsibilities must be established so well defined, critically evaluated in terms of their possible effects on the degree of success of the company and communicated in its entirety the various administrative levels (Dunn, 2002). I formalize planning through a comprehensive program of planning and control results that include:

The formalization in writing of the general objectives of the company in the long term;

A statement of objectives specific side needed to effectively achieve the general objectives, including plans for product lines and services, rate of growth, profit margins and return on investment;

A statement of the basic strategies to be implemented to achieve both goals as general secondary objectives more specific;

Detailed policies essential to the adoption of the basic strategies;

Formal expression:

planned projects;

a plan for long-term outcome;

A plan for short-term results.

These three components should aim commitment to projections of revenue and expenses, cash inflows and cash outflows, capital flows, capital budgets and balance. These formal statements are prepared to represent the anticipated financial results as a result of the overall plans and policies of the administration for the periods prescribed by company policy.

The rationalization of work experienced by all areas, however, eliminated the old and detailed plans wage and thus the image of the black box to the area (McConnell, 2008). The result is the streamlining and rationalization of the compensation program, with model simplification, flexibility of the general system and abandonment of ...
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