Healthcare Pain Management

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Healthcare Pain Management



Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage.

Types of pain

Depending on the duration Acute: It appears immediately after the injury and disappears with the disappearance of the effect of the lesion in our body such as the tissue damage and inflammation those results in such kind of pain. Chronic: The pain that lasts more than 6 months. However sometimes chronic pain cycles may overlap with acute pain (Finley & McGrath, pp. 158-187).

Depending on the nature or origin of painInflammatory: A pain usually improves with activity and worse with rest and intensified at night. Mechanical: This is worse with activity and improves with rest. It is typical of osteoarthritis. Neuropathic: It is due to nerve injury, and the sensation of pain is usually felt in the course of the nerve, also usually accompanied by tingling and numbness. In most cases this distinction is difficult to perform because pain is rarely a purely mechanical or purely inflammatory, most of the time the musculoskeletal pain arises from the combination of several of these components (Agency for Health Care Research and Quality, pp. 47-69.).

Depending on the location

Superficial pain is noted in the skin or just below of it and usually occurs when the affected structures are very close to the skin that covers them. Depth: The pain is evident in the deeper levels in the bone or in certain muscles and joints. Referral: A variety of deep pain in which pain is transmitted through deep structures at points away from the place of origin. Osteoarthritis of the hip can cause pain in the thigh and knee. Radiating pain is felt throughout the course of a nerve or nerve root. Such as sciatica that is caused by a herniated disc in this case also, the pain may come from the combination of these components (Doka, pp. 96-113).

Depending on how it appears

Persistent or continuous pain is pain that is always present although it may intensify or fade over time. There are cyclical periods of pain followed by pain-free periods; this may vary throughout the day or seasons. As we can see the pain can take many forms and also most of the time these are not clearly defined but appear combined. Moreover, each person depending on their own temperament and mood has different ways of perceiving pain (McCaffery, pp. 35-71).

Pain Management

Nowadays, pain has become the worldwide disorder, a serious and costly public health issue, and a challenge for family, friends, and health care providers who must give support to the persons suffering from the physical as well as the emotional consequences of pain.

Drugs and natural products

The management of pain medication is a symptomatic approach: it relieves symptoms but does not reveal the causes. This type of treatment is ideal and necessary in the case of incurable diseases. Its use is questionable and even harmful if applied to cases that can be cured (McCaffery & Pasero, ...
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