Healthcare Marketing

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HealthCare Marketing

HealthCare Marketing

Difference Between marketing in Oil and Gas Industry and Healthcare Industry

There are different views and definitions of marketing according to different education professional of business. According to American Marketing Association, marketing is the process of the pricing, promotion, combination and distribution of ideas and goods in order to satisfy customers and organizational needs (Arnold at al, 1987). The focus of marketing is the consumer because, each organization aims to satisfy customer requirements and, if customer requirements are achieved then organizational goal is met. In order to promote the goods, different techniques of commerce and trade has been used in the oil and gas industry. If we consider the oil and gas industry, we understand that, oil and gas marketing is different from the marketing of the health care industry (Arnold at al, 1987). There is big oligopoly in the oil and gas market because, settled organizations do not want the new comers to enter into the market that is why marketing techniques used are different from the health care industry. In oil and gas industry, if marketing is done there is the lot of investment while it is not in the case of healthcare industry. In oil and gas industry, mostly advertisement is done through internet, print media, social media, local and international media and direct mails, while in health care industry marketing is mostly done through print media. The external environment of advertisement and marketing in both industries is different. The major different in marketing of both industries is the controllability of the marketing mix components. In the oil and gas industries, there is focus on 4Ps (Product, price, promotion and place but, in healthcare industry there is also focus on other 3Ps such as; personal, process and physical activities. The external environment of Oil and gas industry allows to set different new strategies which is not always the case in the healthcare industry. There is a huge competition in the oil and gas industry while, healthcare industry does not see much competition because, of the high disease rates and population growth (Arnold at al, 1987). With the rapid increase in population, there is also increase in number of diseases and, business of healthcare industry is running successfully with focusing on the external environment and by satisfying needs of stakeholders.

Addressing the issues

When one starts a business of health care, one has huge responsibilities that are the health ...
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