Healthcare Marketing

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Healthcare Marketing

Healthcare Marketing

Role of Healthcare Marketing in an HCO's Strategic Planning Process

Marketing is an important aspect in learning about the different ways in which the companies can earn more and can make sure that they are growing in their industry. It is important for the people to learn about the changes that are taking place in the field of healthcare. This will prove to be effective for them as the process of planning will be done accordingly. Marketing is an important concept in the strategic planning process and helps in knowing as to how they should plan about their company. Strategic planning is a process that helps in identifying and analyzing the situation of the company with respect to all aspects related to the business and its operations.

Basic Marketing Elements

It is important for all the healthcare organizations that they implement strategies in a manner which will help the company in getting to the top in the industry. Such an example is of the American Care Association. This healthcare organization has made sure that the marketing process is managed in a manner that the major four marketing elements i.e. price, place, promotion and product are worked on in a manner that will help the organization to grow and will also ensure that the company works in the best possible manner (Griffith & White, 2002). Price and promotion are two important elements that the organization has focused on and has made sure that the people of the company work according to the objectives outlined by the company. The organization has made sure that the basic elements are implemented in a manner that will help the company in growing and expanding.

Importance of Effective Communication

It is very important for the companies to ensure that effective communication is a part of their operations and ...
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