Healthcare Issues

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Healthcare Issues

[Name of the institute]Healthcare Issues

Answer to Question 1

There are scores of reasons because of which there is a decline in the charitable hospitals in America. These different reasons are discussed below:

Economic Downfall

According to Wong, Yee and Turner (2008), the first and the most important reason that has affected the establishment of new and smooth operation of the current charity hospitals and other healthcare facilities is the economic downfall. As a result of recession where a lot of businesses have got affected by that the healthcare industry also could not protect itself from the shadows of the recession. In this era of economic hardship, where organizations and businesses are shutting down, practicing hiring freeze and doing downsizing there providing funds for the charitable organizations is extremely difficult. This in turn affects the functioning and new establishment of the charitable hospitals and healthcare facilities (Wong, Yee and Turner, 2008).

Increased Population

Wong, Yee and Turner (2008) further state that another important reason that has affected the operation and growth of the charitable hospitals and healthcare facilities is the dilemma of increased population of the country. As our country's population growth begins to plateau so there is an immense need to increase the number of healthcare facilities. Moreover, when the population increases the number of uninsured people also increases. This is another challenge for the healthcare industry. This increases the number of patients that are to be treated through charity hospitals (Wong, Yee and Turner, 2008).

Increased and Disturbing Marketing Activities

This is a very strange reason that is affecting the operation of the healthcare facilities but this is the most frequently quoted reason that is affecting the operation of the charitable healthcare organizations. All the charitable healthcare charitable organizations indulge in promotion and marketing activities so that they can raise funds to support the charity projects. Today, business executives, business tycoon and governmental authorities get a lot of marketing messages by a number of organizations. In this clutter of marketing message, donors miss the mails and messages. It is the increased marketing and promotional activities of advertising firms and other industries that is impeding the way to get donations of charitable healthcare organization (Wong, Yee and Turner, 2008).

Answer to Question 2

Safety and care of the patient is an indispensible task that a healthcare organization should provide to the patient. Absence of a proper system causes scores of problems to patients as well as to the health care providers. In order to deal with various adverse events and to make the field of healthcare grow and prosper it is essential that good quality of care should be provided to the patients. In order to render quality service to the patients there is not a single party that is solely responsible for providing quality healthcare services. In order to provide high quality and error free services to the patients all the components of the healthcare such as supporting staff, nurses and physicians and even the patient should collaborate and coordinate together to provide high quality ...
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