Healthcare Administration And Management

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Healthcare Administration and Management

Healthcare Administration and Management


Pharmacy technicians usually refer to a division of the group of pharmacy as technical assistants (dispensing medicines). These health technicians or technical staff works in the hospitals, retail community outlet, nursing facilities and in pharmaceutical companies, usually assisting in the preparation of medicines and its assembly, dealing with patients for dispensing the medicine. As a pharmacy technician, I felt assured that the profession which I have selected will be very challengeable, and I can gain valuable experience and personal tolerance in this field. By keeping the options in my mind I have always tried to have a backup plan i.e. if something unexpected happens one should always show show complete focus dealing with the new task. There are rewards that encourage you to proceed further in your professional career for instance I have learned new drugs, compound formulation and regulations, and there generic names. As a technician, I come up with a variety of challenges and diversity which I face everyday. I always focus my career goal for good growth and advancement in my field (DH, 2008).


Being a technical staff member, I have enhanced my leadership skills i.e. willing to take on new challenges, being in a team that implements new and latest services with proper assessments by helping to make decisions regarding planning and drug risks. One should follow dynamics of group management in a multitasking team also by showing participation to review new clinical cases and to enable all the team members to show their contributions for improvement for organization success. Pharmacists receive exceptional training, but under crucial circumstances the skill of leadership is not developed properly. Therefore, value of leadership can be enhanced by different ways especially, by observing our mentors and taking suggestions from them.

As a co-coordinator I/XYZ was appointed with 6 ...
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