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Cumbria Healthcare

Cumbria Healthcare


Cumbria ranked second according to the area in England. The country's population is 495,000 and 48% land in North West. Half of the Cumbria population live in a rural area. If compared to England, 19% is rural population. There are around 24 various communities in Cumbria. In the year, 2008 and 2009, the alcoholic rehabilitation rate was 1811 per hundred thousand populations.

It has become significant to understand more about positive mental wellbeing of people of Cumbria. There is an immense focus on improvement of mental health and wellbeing. This issue is national international, and becomes a global challenge. There are various evidences that nutritional, healthy mental wellbeing spends flourishing and average life at school, home, and offices (Earle, 2007, p.45-80). The Governmental research departments investigated that healthy mental wellbeing can lead to high economic growth.

The main causes of social inequalities in health are both working conditions and housing, more broadly, the disparities in free living neglect the inequalities use the system of care. Conversely, health inequalities are caused by many other social inequalities, including those facing the education, employment, recreation, participation in political life but also to social protection are among the most important. Thus, taken in the network of their ins and outs of their, the social inequalities in health lend themselves particularly well to illustrate the systemic, social inequalities (Heath, 2000, 313).

The differences in mortality between social classes cannot be reduced from the early 80s and the mid-90s. They have even increased in men, with a gap of life expectancy to 35 years reached seven years between workers and managers, and disparities related to the diploma, the socio-professional category and income. There are differences in almost all areas of disease, be it heart disease or cancer, to accidents, dental problems and mental health.

Inequalities In Health

The persistence of social inequalities in health has of course many causes. Some may be differences in exposure to risk factors, including labor, problems of economic and cultural resources leading to other daily priorities. Other can be accumulated difficulties or habits to key moments of life, environmental effects or the environment, feelings of social disqualification weighing directly on health, and attitudes of professionals. Their practices are differentiated by the social background of patients that are addressed

Socioeconomic inequalities in health result from an accumulation process disadvantages throughout the life cycle. The socioeconomic determinants of health are defined by the conditions of individual and household (economic, education, healthy habits, etc.) and external (public policy, rural or urban, etc.). The effectiveness of health policies is linked to interventions that reduce socioeconomic inequalities in health. This kind of inequality is a drag on economic growth, a symptom of social disintegration and a security barrier basic rights and quality of life. The existence of inequalities poses a threat to one of the main objectives of the European Union: achieve political and economic integration in order to obtain peace, cohesion and social prosperity.

The experience of interventions in several countries (UK and Sweden) shows the need for action on ...
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