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Facilitating Change in Social and health Care


Task 1 (LO1) - Demonstrating your understanding of the factors driving change1

Political Factors1

Economic Factors2

Socio-Cultural Factors4

Technological Factors5

Task 2 (LO2) - Demonstrating your ability to evaluate recent changes in health and social care services7

CQC Inspection Report7

Task 3 (LO3) - Demonstrating your understanding of the principles of change management8


Facilitating Change in Social and health Care


Change is a procedure of transitioning from a current circumstance to a craved future condition. Whether we like change or not, we are all gotten up to speed in a ceaseless cycle of progress in our associations. Some individuals welcome change and appreciate the lack of determination it regularly brings, suspecting that it offers another tests and chances at work. Others are wary about change, expecting that something esteemed will be modified or lost or that hazard brings unnecessary anxiety (White, 1998, pp. 179-195). In care, health and social care administrations are basically about individuals, both the individuals who need to utilize administrations and the individuals who give administrations. Individuals are touchy to the effect of progress and as a manager I have a specific obligation to fare thee well over how changes in administrations that are planned to convey care inside the association. (Skapinakis P et al. 2006, 109-117)

Task 1 (LO1) - Demonstrating your understanding of the factors driving change

Political Factors




developing business sector - conceivable effect of understanding decision on tumor administrations, close by national motivation to present contestability in the market (Legislation Government United Kingdom, 2012).

Dispatching progressions achieved by SHA and PCT reconfigurations - progressions to master appointing courses of action

Potential reduction in

referrals leading to loss

of income

• Loss of specialist staff

Build in appointing help will be required because of a development in the amount of immediate buyers

• Increased danger to pay, endangering system wide speculations

Gain by our brand and solid business position

• Improve access for remote zones

• Pursue organization approaches

• Promote administrations to the officials

• Low holding up times

• Maintain a great environment of consideration

Promoting method for Gps / experts who will be impacting appointing choices later on business sector

Economic Factors




Diminished development in focal financing for health awareness (Rosenfeld, 2004, pp. N.d. )

Change in examination Funding

Surgical competition

appears from other

NHS Trusts

Weight to meet targets however with less financing

• Downward weight on plans • Limited financing in new administrations

• Direct official mediation • High clinical desires dependent upon past development and agenda

• Heavier requests on beneficent trusts, imperil Manchester Cancer Research Center (MCRC) plans

• Loss of notoriety

• Positive chance to offer for new supports

Surgical numbers decrease at

the SSP

Audit adjust between altered and variable expenses

• Realistic arranging

• Increase profit and effectiveness and control/bring down expenses

• Ensure possessions are completely utilized

• Demonstrate wellness for further financing

• Increase non-legislative wellsprings of financing e.g.

Envision and movement direction

• Pursue more different financing sources and investigate more stupendous business stores

• Ensure aggregate wellbeing economy offers have clear organization and heads of understanding plans

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