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Hand Hygiene in Healthcare

Healthcare Innovation3

Information Technology in Healthcare3

Introduction & Background4


Literature Review5

Model Sketch6

Alignment with Firm's Strategy6

Importance of proposed Innovation7

Innovation Category8

Science Push9




Healthcare Innovation

The role of hygiene is immense in the context of healthcare as it is one of the foremost reasons of the major rise in dangerous diseases. Keeping the aspect of hygiene in consideration, we would look to devise an innovation that specifically instructs the physicians and nurses to wash their hands properly at different times to eliminate the role of dangerous diseases due to the lack of hygiene. This type of innovation carries a high degree of significance in the context of contemporary healthcare environment since it successfully handles the role of lack of hygiene specifically on the part of medical team.

The goal here is to ensure that the physicians and nurses that form a major part of the medical team assign full importance to the aspect of hygiene and as a result the patients do not get affected by the lack of hygiene. Since the physicians and nurses have to interact with patients on a regular basis, they must make sure that they maintain appropriate hygienic standards while complying with the different practices. Such type of innovation can be of utmost significance since the machines tend to remind the physicians and nurses to wash their hands at different time periods (Jirotka, Procter, Hartswood, Slack, Simpson, Coopmans, & Voss, 2005).

Feasibility and Financing

The proposed innovation is well structured according to the aspect of marketing and advertising since this type of innovation is highly profitable in the context of clinical practice. In addition, the financial considerations have also been kept into attention since a high degree of budgeting and costing analysis has been done in an extensive manner. There has been a profound costing and financial analysis which translates into a highly feasible innovation.

Technology in Healthcare

In parallel to the development of new health treatments that are emerging around the world, providing more efficiency in services provided to patients, the Information Technology focused on this area moves with the same speed (Birken, Lee, & Weiner, 2012). Increasingly innovative, IT has to transform the way in which the patient is treated, reducing medical errors and provide faster service in emergencies.

Today, the institutions involved in this sector are already aware that a good health care is not restricted to good doctors and hospitals (Burns, & Burns, 2012).

We cannot associate the healthcare IT simply with the electronic storage of health records, in fact, it is much more transformative and provides analytical data and process innovations that are already revolutionizing the way people receive and manage their care in communities throughout the country.

Today, through mobile technologies, physicians can receive real-time information about patients' conditions. Through these resources, it is possible to draw a diagnosis before the patient arrives at the hospital, providing treatment much more agile.

The technologies of remote monitoring and video conferencing can, for example, allow professionals to monitor the patient's vital data and discuss their conditions without ...
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