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Health and Social Care Policy

Answer to the Question # 01

In the social welfare focal point 1945 era, the key historical landmarks were: the voluntary sector in welfare and it was considered as the role of religion in the 19th century.

In the 19th century, there was role regarding those policies of historical landmark in the voluntary department in welfare and social organization and its focal point was found to be landmark in the social and health care. In the year of 1901, a study was conducted regarding poverty and it was provided by Charles Booth in 1903 in London, U.K. Topics were related to labour and life of London on the life of town. However, Seebohm Rowntree's study was considered as the first one in the year of 1901 (Curtis 2012).

Between 1906 and 1912, there was an establishment of liberalism which stated that people are needed to be liberal in their own life”, and the actor was Lloyd George (School Meals Act 1906).

In the year of 1908, there was a Pension act regarding the old age people and it was begun from the seventy (70) years old. The other act was enforced in the year of 1909 that was related to the budget for people and the primary focus was on the child tax and the introduction of super tax. In the year of 1911, there was a sickness regarding the unemployment insurance and the limited provision. There was a consideration in between 1913 and 1941 which was developing and changing individually in their own issue. An insurance based on non-manual unemployment had issues in the year of 1920 which was related to the non-manual worker issues (Mechanic 2008).

In 1925, there was a process scheme regarding the old age people, widow and orphans. In the year of 1936, the common employment theory of finance and interest was published by J.M. Keynes. In the year of 1940, there was an issue regarding the pension of old women who had got her age from 65 to 60 on a document by fault for the purpose of reducing her pension due to the age.

There had been a legislation regarding the welfare people who want to give their contributions in welfare and it indicated the principal plan of the insurance that is giving in terms of providing the benefits up to the level of continuation and indicates the right and without the test means, so that individual may go towards building freely (Graham 2009).

There was a report regarding the social insurance in the year of 1942 that states any contribution relevant to this matter have to give back in his own meaning. It has been with the group of the alliance company eventually the medication was done in the year of 1945 for Juliet Rhys Willis who comes under the work tested citizen's income.

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