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Personal Development

Personal Development

Question 1

Question 1.1

Specific responsibilities and duties depend on job, and it varies with respect to our job roles, and employers I work for. If I work for a large employer either from private, public or voluntary sectors, there is a possibility that I might faces a time of learning, with the help of this learning process I will get familiar with the procedures and process of an organization, and it will help me in understanding the organizational structure and getting familiar with the people who will assist me or assign me different tasks. Getting employed at social work site anywhere in United Kingdom or in social care department, there is a mandatory requirement, which includes the registration. (Bradshaw 2004 Pp- 122-129)This registration process make sure and identify the minimum level of qualification and with the help of this registration I will be agreeing to perform my duties within the code of practice set out by the required behavior.

Question 1.2

My job will come with a specific job description; this job description will help in telling me about my duties, which I would be required to perform. Whereas, Job description will not define me the method for performing these duties, in order to identify the method I had to look in to the code of practice standards as these standards will guide me for using standardized practice. Although these practices vary around the United Kingdom, Every UK country had National minimum standards, and these standards are used by the inspectors for ensuring the delivery of services. (DINGWALL R 1992 Pp- 190-206)

Question 2

Question 2.1

The social care sector is one which constantly changes and moves on. New standards reflect the changes in the profession, such as the emphasis on personalized, quality services, the focus on tackling exclusion, and the influence of the culture of rights and responsibilities. (BRAZIER, J 1988 Pp- 178-221) There has been a huge increase in understanding in all parts of the sector, and a recognition of the satisfaction that comes from working alongside people so that they are direct their own support, rather than being passive receivers of services.

Question 2.2

Not all of the learning you do will take place on a course or a lecture, or through the latest textbook. A very large amount of your learning will take place while doing your job. Everything you do at work is part of a process of learning. Even regular tasks are likely to be important for learning because there is always something new each time you do them.


There are several different beliefs, preferences, and values, I think the most important think is the way of response to other person is connected with believe. It is important to understand that what values, beliefs and preferences individual consider importance, working in social care sector I am sure I will found people whose ideas and views do not agree with mine. There will be many who are not aware of my different ...
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