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Establishment of Healthcare Organization under the Management of NHS UK

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Table of Contents



Need for Change in Health and Social Care2

The Triggers for Change in Health and Social Care3

Types of Operational and Strategic Change4




Implementing Innovations6

Individual Responses to Change6

Health and Safety Preventive Action7

Safety and Health Standards7

Ergonomics at Work8

Strategies for Leading and Managing Change8

Change Management Theories/Models9

Contingency Approaches to Leading and Managing Change9

Know the Culture9

Identifying Components of Culture That Needs Alteration10

Devise Desired Organizational Culture10

Implementation of Altered Components10

Key Internal and External Factors(SWOT Analysis)11





PEST Analysis12

Legal or the Political Aspects13

Economic Aspects13

Socio-cultural Sector13

Technological Aspects14

Techniques for Supporting Change Process Power and Influence of Key Stakeholder14


Healthcare Facility/Organization15

Industry Regulators15


Organizational Politics in Implementing Strategic Change16

Impact of Stakeholders on the Change Process17

Impact of Organization Politics on Change18

Ensuring the Commitment of Professional Staff to Strategic Change18


Defining a Vision19

Defining Strategic Goals for Changes20

Documenting Changes20

Understand the Techniques for Embedding Change within an Organization21



Establishment of Healthcare Organization under the Management of NHS UK


The Government has proposed significant changes in the way the National Health Service organized in United Kingdom. There are numerous key changes to the NHS that have taken attention of critique and discussions. As results of change, the NHS will be streamlining with fewer layers of bureaucracy Strategic Health Authority and Primary Care Trust will be phasing out. There will be dramatically cost reduction in the management. The Government will be devolving power and responsibilities for commissioning services to GPs and practicing team work in consortia.

An increment in the population of old aged people results in an expansion in the demand of social and community care services for people who are incapable have learning disabilities or simply are old enough to go to hospitals (Tempest, 2006, 81). There will, for example, be opportunities for nursing and residential care services to work more closely with the new GP commissioners and councils in helping to shape the adult social care market. In other areas, reform may be too much too soon, at a time when efficiency savings need to be made within existing structures and a much reduced financial envelope (Smith, Ian, 2007, 15).

The impending restructuring of the NHS will take away the ring fenced health professional role when approaching the rehabilitation of patients with long-term conditions. The UK Secretary of State for Health has made it clear that any willing provider' allowed pitching for services in this area, an area traditionally the undisputed realm of health professionals. UK health professionals subjected to competition where we did not have any before. For example, suitably qualified exercise professionals will be able to compete for the provision of health promotion initiatives in special population groups, such as children with obesity, cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation, and post-injury rehabilitation.


Need for Change in Health and Social Care

Mauritius health care delivery system is broken down into three different levels of care - primary, secondary and tertiary, with the country's focus on the primary level. The primary level of care includes the health centers and polyclinics, the district hospital and maternity clinics. The district hospital provides all of the basic ...
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