Health, Wellness & The Pursuit Of Happiness

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Health, Wellness & the Pursuit of Happiness


The paper presents an art analysis of ten selected artwork. It basically attempts to relate the selected artworks with the concepts of health, wellness and the pursuit of happiness. Each artwork, whether it is a painting, sculpture or an architectural work, is explained as to how it reflects the concept of health, wellness or the pursuit of happiness.


“Artwork alone has been the representation of the lives, beliefs, living, perceptions and history of all times.”


The painting (15-17) on the right by Jean Fouquet is an excellent portrayal of health and wellness. The female figure in the painting has a healthy body and is presented in the act of breast-feeding the child. The child also is portrayed as being well fed and healthy. The concept of health is reflected by the glowing red cheeks of the child. Apart from that, the chubby body of the child also represents good health. Wellness can be highlighted in the way the female is dressed and her chair. Altogether, this is an excellent piece of artwork that sheds light on the concept of health and wellness.

The painting (17-5) is one of the greatest artwork of all times. The painting of Mona Lisa made by Leonardo da Vinci presents an unexplainable emotion. The representation of information is excellent as the the scenery behind Mona Lisa is blurred to keep the emphasis on Mona Lisa. This excellent piece of artwork reflects the concept of happiness as portrayed by the smile on Mona Lisa's face.

The painting (18-10) is an extreme portrayal of wellness. The painting was made by Jean Clouet, which is a portrait of Francis I. the painting portrays elegance and reveals a lot of information pointing towards the fact that the artist had given attention to all the details. This artwork represents the wellness and the greatness of the king as well as an element of happiness. The painting by Jean Clouet represents the wellness of the king in the form of the necklace and the royal robe that he is wearing. Apart from that, a slight emotion of happiness, satisfaction or pride can also be highlighted from the painting.

The sculpture (19-7) made by Gianlorenzo Bernini is a marvelous piece of artwork. The sculpture was carved out of marble, which Bernini was considered to have mastered at. Bernini's sculpture represents immense emotions and has an element of time due to ...
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