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National Health Service

Executive Summary

The National Health Service program was established soon after the aftermaths of Second World War. With the passage of time many radical changes were noticed in the improvement and development of the service. One major investment was designed in the year 2002 when a National IT program was launched with the ambition to improve the information service and patient care. The reformed program designed was an ambitious €12Billion investment. The aim of this IT program was to create a system through which electronic patient care records is establishment. This electronic record system was made to ensure every patient of NHS have their records and medical history saved in the electronic system and can get the information transmitted between any part of NHS , making the data available to the staff all the time. Despite all the effort, the system and the department failed to deliver what was expected from it. In addition to its failure, the cost associated with the IT program increased a lot due to the implementation of other alternative programs. The program would have been a successful execution, if well coordinated and consulted with health professionals. Another every important aspect of the program failure has been the weak management program behind the project planning and project execution. The failure of NHS computer scheme has led the management to take the responsibility for the patient care record system. The NHS trust are taking the responsibility for the record system and taking the responsibility for the future. New Reforms and programs are in the way of processing to manage all the risks that might occur in the near future.

National Health Service


The aftermaths of World War II led to the foundation of 'National Health Service'. The Medical services in the First and Second World War were not satisfactory. The access to the health care by a civilized citizen of the society was a primary question. Many hospitals and utilities were made with the ambition of providing health services to the people, but none prove to be satisfactory. Continuous updating in the operations of the hospitals was made but the quality varied from town to town and major areas in the country were poorly served.

National Health Service

During times of Second World War, when the medical services were made possible through command and control led to the imagination of a social welfare system that can be run through funding. This idea of having a funded health service was proposed by Beveridge. Many issues generated against the foundation of a proper health service. It was in 1944 when the white paper produced the future of the service. Hence, it was 5th July1948, when after much negotiation and tough times; The National Health Service was formed. It was a momentous achievement after constant negotiation and discussions for many years which brought the idea for establishing the National Health Service (Humphries, 2008, p.1). It was for the very first time when everybody welcomed the idea and wanted this service to ...
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