Health Screening And History Of An Adolescent Or Young Adult Client

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Health Screening and History of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client

Health Screening and History of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client

Biographical Data

Patient initials: M.S

Age: 19 years

Gender: Female

Birthplace: USA

Marital Status: Unmarried

Ethnic Origin: European American

Occupation: Student

Financial Status: Dependant on parents

Past Health History

General Health: The patient is suffering from diabetes but has been unable to access adequate healthcare due to low income of the family.

Current Medications: Oral medicines for diabetes

Last medical examination 11/11/2012

Childhood illnesses: Chicken pox, pneumonia

Serious illness: Diabetes

Family History:

Obesity: The patient's father is slightly obese.

Neurological disorder: None

Kidney disease: None

High Blood Pressure: the patients' mother suffers from high blood pressure.

Diabetes: Both parents suffer from ...