Health Sciences

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Health Sciences

Health Sciences


This paper intends to develop knowledge and understanding of the way the body system works, the systems within the body system and the processes to keep us alive. In addition to this, this paper will also enable us how to explore routine measurements and observations and why they are investigated to indicate malfunction. The patient's name Is Zahara, whose activities are monitored in order to analyze the functions of various bodily process, specifically before, after and during exercise. Bodily processes that are examined are heart rate, body temperature and breathing rate.

Exercise is a single acute exertion or muscular activity that requires an expenditure of energy above resting level; generally planned to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness. The term 'physical activity' generally connotes movement in which the goal (often to sustain daily living or recreation) is different from physical fitness, but which also requires the expenditure of energy and often provides health-related benefits. For instance, walking to school or office is physical activity; walking around a track at a predetermined heart rate is exercise (Tapia, et al. 2007). However, from a physiological standpoint both bring about changes in a heartbeat response and body exertion. Therefore, the terms exercise and physical activity are used interchangeably. Where the amount of exercise can actually be measured, the terms workload and work rate may also be used.

Exercise disrupts the homeostatic state or dynamic equilibrium of the body (Astrand, 2003). These homoeostatic disruptions or changes represent the body's response to exercise. An exercise response is the pattern of change that physiological variables present during a single acute bout of physical exertion. A physiological variable is any measure of bodily function that changes or varies under different circumstances. Heart rate is a variable with which an individual or a researcher is already familiar. One probably also knows that heart rate increases during exercise. However, this statement does not describe the full pattern of response. For example, the heart rate and breathing response to a 400-meter sprint is different from the heart rate response to a 50-m bike ride. To describe the response of heart rate or any other variable, one must first have more information about the exercise itself. Three factors need to be considered to determine the acute response to exercise: the exercise modality, the exercise intensity, and the exercise duration.


Task 1

The first task is focused on conducting a presentation given in a college to group of students by a Health Advisor. Being a health advisor, am required to spread the awareness to group of college students that how body maintains the good health.

For the purpose of awareness following leaflet is created where homeostasis is discussed.


The term homeostasis was introduced in biology by Claude Bernard in the early 20 th century and was taken over by an American named Cannon, who spoke of homeostasis as "body wisdom".

But before going further in our definition of homeostasis, we represent the human body as a sort of open box in the ...
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