Health, Safety And Risk Management

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Health, Safety and Risk Management

[Name of the Organization]

Health, Safety and Risk Management

Answer 1

Actions Taken for Health Safety and Risk Management

Organization should pursue all the legislative laws that are precised for the work places of that scrupulous country. In order to sustain discipline everybody should be ensured to work according to the principles. If everyone follow those convention, he or she not only benefit the organization but he or she can also enjoy the sense of welfare and protection. For this laws should be followed, because if we try to pass our lives according to regulations and system at individual level, instinctively everything will sprint in a smooth way. Similar scenario exists in a work place, we should not adjudicate others that he or she is working against the rules, so why should I follow? If the organization has convinced policies for the upholding of health and welfare of its employees then it is a duty of every worker to tag on that. For example if there is separate smoking area precised for the smokers, then they should smoke only in that area, so that other colleagues cannot be ill with.

I am working in an organization which adopt all the rules and regulations situate by government for the rights of workforce. Our association has clearly defined policies and all those are attempt to be implemented as they are documented. The management of scrupulous department or the manager of whole organization is accountable for the execution of all those determined policies and procedures. Health and safety is a thoughtful and ordinary concern, which is discussed and taken into observation approximately by all. Every organization should correspond to the current regulations of policies and procedures that should be monitored appropriately so that the promise concerning stipulation of health and safety of employees working in that scrupulous organization should be uphold consequently.

Government made laws for the benefits of its citizens so it is our accountability to work according to them. In this way the regulation will be maintained and the entire inhabitants developed equally. As the government policies alter, our association tries to obtain them timely. Top of the list is the health and safety issues. Whatever the policies of government are, that are associated to employees in a work place, are nearly followed at our organization. The higher establishment are accountable for the execution and then preservation of those policies. That is why all the officials firmly comply with the policies and ensure that all the personnel follow them. Every organization ought to work in a way that those rules and regulations should be reflected from their presentation, and they should be analyzed consistently.

Manpower is the utmost significance for any organization. That is why the organizations value its employees exceptionally. Their requirements and wants are kept at the pinnacle of the list and all the potential measures are made execute in order to accomplish them. Health and safety is issue, for which approximately all the citizens are concerned about ...
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