Health Psychology

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Critically discuss how knowledge of health psychology may aid nurses in improving concordance to treatment in patients

Health psychology


The World Health Organization (WHO, 1964) defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” It emphasizes the nature of health and bio reveals that health is more than the absence of disease. The wellness and prevention are part of our system of values ??and continually invites us to avoid those habits that adversely affect health as poor diet, lack of exercise and consumption of alcohol. The thoughts, feelings and general style of management are considered prerequisites for achieving and maintaining a healthy physical, is what might be called mind-body integration. It is generally accepted that the first attempt at formal definition of health psychology seems to be due to Matarazzo (1980), who regard it as "a set of specific contributions to educational, scientific and professional discipline of psychology the promotion and maintenance health, prevention and treatment of disease and identification of etiologic and diagnostic correlates of health, illness and related dysfunctions.” This definition just to become the "official" definition of the Division of Health Psychology of the American Psychological Association (APA) since 1980 at its annual meeting was adopted as such with very few changes. (Aboud, 2001, pp. 4-5 )

The importance of education in psychiatric nursing education programs Nursing Year: 

General Nurse required achieving a good degree of awareness and knowledge of the psychological aspects that can be encountered in the exercise of the public because they are often exposed to dealing with cases or psychiatric patients with physical illness or physical psychological or mental illness independent of the public hospitals. And forced the medical team nursing to meet the parents troubled about their patient who is suffering from physical or psychological difficulties, physical, it must direct them and provide appropriate assistance to them and reassure them enhance or increase the capacity of indignation about the calamity that had been expected. (Andrade, 2001, pp. 9-13)

Science focuses on the study of nursing personnel in terms of their physical and psychological recovery and development and responses to health problems, because the diseases that affect them take different forms depending on the age group they are going through. (Balachova, 2001, pp. 61-68 )The most important tasks of nursing to promote mental health in the stages of human growth and development: 

In the newborn stage, which continues until the end of the first month where the reflexive actions of newborn: nursing task is focused at this stage to assist parents in identifying needs and their hands (i.e., is the task of teaching education).. 

In the infant stage as of the first month until the end of the first year, and is characterized by fast growth: nursing and the task here is to create the external environment to ensure the needs of the baby: milk, clothing, hygiene and prevention to confirm the dates of taking vaccines. (Winefield, 2001, pp. 171-188)

In the toddler stage between 1-3 years: showing the independence of the body and ...
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