Health Professionals

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Health Professionals Can Exercise Power Over their Clients

Health Professionals Can Exercise Power Over their Clients.


A health professional tends to play an important part irrespective of the stage of the life an individual tends to be. Acknowledging their importance most of the patients or individual do not experiment with the nature of the care they tend to receive from a health professional. Thus, this factor tends to lower the rate of the switching between the health professionals. However, if the individual is not satisfied than percentage to switch between the health professionals tends to rise. Moreover, in order to better serve an individual a health professional should enjoy the authority over the patient which can only be injected if the patient is well aware of the fact that the professional he or she has been directed does have a good grip on the subject (Sculpher, Gafni & Watt 2002,p.54). However, in the course of the paper, health profession which we intend to target is Nurse.

The Nursing tends to serve the individual in the times when the care is most required. However, different nurses tend to inculcate different approaches which results in different trust levels on the nurses. It is the care which tends to inject or elevate the bar when it comes to exercising authority over a patient. Authority can only be enjoyed over a patient of the patient tends to believe that whatever, the nurse will do will only result in his or her benefit. When this feeling tends to settle in the health professional automatically tends to enjoy the authority or the influence over the patient. As indicated earlier that in the course of the paper, the light will be thrown upon Nursing. It would be analyzed through different perspectives in order to develop a better understanding of the subject.


This section tends to shed light on the factors which can help inject the authority or the influence of nurse over his or her patient. In the context of the paper the primary factor which can help a nurse develop an influence over a patient tends to be identified as the Critical Care. If the nurse is able to provide an appropriate care to the patient than only a patient is motivated enough to trust that nurse.

Critical Care Nursing

As indicated earlier that it tends to be identified as the primary factor which can help cultivate the trust of the patient over the nurse. It is the trust which tends to pave the way for the influence or power over the patient. Before moving further in the context of the paper the fact needs to be kept in mind that the concept of critical care nursing is an aspect of the healthcare sector and, in a narrower view it is a specialty within the dimension of nursing. The role of critical care nursing particularly deals with the human reactions and responses to the problems which are mostly threatening to one's ...
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