Health Of The Community

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Health Of The Community

Health Of The Community


Health is a very important factor that shape up a co0mmunity and describe the members of a community whether they are active to perform various important activities of the society or not. There are various factors that play a vital role in maintaining the health within a community. It is also very important to understand that these factors also affect the health of a community and has negative effects on the members of the society if not maintained well. The core purpose of this assignment is to identify and address the most significant issues that affect the health of the community and demonstrate the impact that these factors have on the members of a community (Kim-Farley, 2010). Further, a discussion about the effect of economics on the access of health care will also be presented in this paper. It is very important to demonstrate the most significant factors that affect the community and the impact that these factors have on the members of the community.

Factors that Influence the Health of the Community

The health of a community depends upon a number of factors that influence the health within a community. There are various factors that influence the health of our community, but there are three most significant factors that influence the health of our community. These three factors include social factors, physical factors and cultural factors. An introduction about these significant factors that influence the health of a community is presented as follows.

Social Factors

The first significant factors that influence the health of a community are the social factors. The social factors that greatly influence the health of a community include the income of a family and the educational attainment within a family. Educational attainment of a family defines the awareness that a family possesses towards the healthy habits and maintenance of good health. The income of a family describes the strength of a family to attain the medical assistance for good health. Another prominent social factor is the racial or ethnic groups within the community that influence the communication and trust of various families on the medical representatives.

Physical Factors

The physical factors are also a very significant source that influences the health of a community. These are the factors that actually determine the habits of the members of the community. These are the factors that create an unhealthy environment in the community by the habits and activities of the members of the community. Avery easy way to understand the physical factors is that these are the physical activities of the community members that affect the health of a community.

Cultural Factors

The cultural factors also play a vital role in describing and evaluating the health of a community. The cultural factors involve the values and norms of a community. These values, beliefs and norms that are followed by a community majorly influence the health of a community. The nationality or the origin of the country of the members of the community also influences the relationship and their perspective ...
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