Health Needs Assessment

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Health Needs Assessment Proposal

Health Needs Assessment Proposal


In London, Newham is among one of the boroughs where population turnover rate has been increasing continuously over the period of past few years. Newham had n population of 307,984 people according to the census conducted in 2011, which was the highest figure in all the boroughs of London. It is to be noted that these statistics only represent 90% population, due to the limited response rate (Aston-Mansfield's Community Involvement Unit, p. 3, 2013). In addition to the local residents, Newham accommodate a wide population of migrants belonging from different ethnic groups. This population of local and ethnic groups is expected to increase even at higher rate in the next decade. Since the population of the borough is mostly young and diverse ethnically, London may benefit significantly from this demographic dividend over the next decade. However, there is a need of ensuring quality health for the individuals and the future workforce of the borough.

As a result of enormous increase in the population, the percentage of economically active people has been decreasing. As compared to both London and Great Britain, the proportion of people who were employed or self employed was lower in the borough. According to the statistics of February 2013, the unemployment rate among was 5.3% for the people aged between 16 and 24; nearly 1.5% of young people have applied for getting job seekers' allowance (The, 2013).

Background and Context

When compared with the average life expectancy of London, that of Newham falls below the value. Although, the death rates due to different causes have been improved over the period of last 10 years, the life expectancy has remained below average (Public Health England, p.1, 2013). The life expectancy for female is 1.5 years less than the England average, while for men it is 2.5 years lesser (Aston-Mansfield's Community Involvement Unit, p. 24, 2013).

Cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and Cancer are the major causes of death in Newham. The mortality rate for Cancer in Newham is 7th highest and for cardiovascular diseases, it is 2nd highest across London. For Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), the borough has 6th highest mortality rate, which is mainly due to the poor socio economic conditions of the residents. The mortality rate in the borough is higher than the national average, and is the highest in London. For acute Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), Newham has the 9th highest diagnosis rate in entire London. Among other important health issues faced by the population of Newham are obesity, Tuberculosis, physical and mental disabilities. The mortality rates for specific diseases have improved, but the overall condition is worse as compared to whole London.

Health and Well being Needs

There is a strong need of promoting healthy behaviour and creating awareness about the health risks in the people of Newham. For example, the people should be motivated for not smoking, taking healthy diets and enough exercise. The mental health barriers should be tackled sufficiently by providing employments and improving ...
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