Health Literacy

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Health Literacy

Health Literacy


Health literacy is a different class of literacy and it is becoming very significant these days for development when it comes to social, economic and health. There are positive impacts observed of health and general literacy on the society's health or health of women etc. The education percentage in knowing about HIV / AIDS is increasing a lot these days particularly in Africa, points out a intricate interface among both general and health education.


Literacy & Health Literacy

With no doubts, general literacy is an imperative health factor but it is not adequate to deal with the main health challenges facing public societies that are developing or developed. Literacy is the capability to utilize printed and composed qualified data to function and regulate in publicly accepted norms, in request for people to attain their objectives and advance learning. Health literacy is one of the institutes of medical or medicine. This institution or education ends the confusion of the individual.

The degree to which people have the ability to get, handle, and grasp essential health informative data and services required to settle on suitable health choices. It incorporates the capacity to grasp directions on doctor prescribed drugs, appointment slips, medical training handouts, specialist's directions, and the capacity to discuss intricate health care systems (Dr. Cortes, 2008). An example of this is a 29 year old educated American - African woman who had an abdominal pain and fever for three days and tried to take care of it on her own. Later she was brought to the hospital by her family to a Baltimore emergency in a bad condition. After a concise assessment she was told that she might require an exploratory laparotomy. She in this way got disturbed and requested her family to take her home. When approached by the ...
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