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Health Leaflet

Muscle strength is another factor limiting the performance of older runners. Lose strength as we age, mainly due to a loss of lean muscle mass. The actual number of muscle fibers decreases with time. Initially you lose fast-twitch fibers are used so frequently in our youth, followed by loss of the remaining slow twitch "endurance" fibers (11). After thirty years the average American loses muscle fibers at a rate of about three to five percent per decade, resulting in up to thirty percent loss of muscle strength by the age of sixty (12). Of course, the rate is much lower for the runners.

Although the aerobic capacity of older runners is less than their younger counterparts, older runners can run at a higher percent of their aerobic capacity. Since running is focused on building the lower body, brokers can usually maintain relatively good muscle mass in the legs. However, they often lose up to four pounds of muscle mass per decade in the upper body (13). Therefore, these muscle fibers are often replaced by fatty tissue. Our muscles also harden over time if we can not routinely stretch. The connective tissue between muscles and bones become stiffer as we age. This lack of flexibility of the connective tissues become more integral element in limiting a person's range of motion (14).

An older runner with a limited range of motion gradually develops a shorter stride making each step requires more effort. However, muscle cells are higher in older runners, ie, teachers (more than forty years.)

Despite the loss of muscle mass, strength and flexibility with age, the cumulative effect of years of operation often produces certain advantages in muscle cells of masters athletes, counter balance some of these losses. In fact, athletes are capable of actions teachers resistance equal to those of young riders who do not belong to the elite, despite having a lower VO2max. The superior processing capabilities of oxygen allows your muscle cells use a greater percentage of their VO2 max during the competition (15). According to a recent study, older runners, whose average age was 63, were compared with the younger riders in their mid-twenties who had similar 10K race times and training programs. Although the older runners have fewer muscle fibers, lower values of VO2 max and less muscle strength, muscle cells are found in up to 31 percent more activity of oxidative enzymes. This higher enzyme activity, developed through years of training, has allowed his muscles to work to process oxygen and remove lactic acid more efficiently (16).

You may be ways to "dominate" the effects of aging. Several reports have indicated that even among athletes, strength training plays an important role in determining the amount of decline due to aging. Recently studied a group of masters track national champions, found that runners who maintain a high level of training intensity and frequency of competition showed a smaller loss of time performance, aerobic capacity and body mass lean than reduce ...
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