Health Information Technology

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Health Information Technology

Health Information Technology


The paper aims to give the summary of three articles from different topics presented on Health IT government website ( The paper will also provide critical thinking on each of the article discussed. Health informational technologies make it feasible for healthcare provider to enhance their management for patient care with secure and safe use and share of healthcare information. Health Information Technology also includes the usage of electronic health record (EHR) instead of paper and filing medical record for maintaining people healthcare information.


The Articles chosen for summary are listed below:

Achieving Meaningful Use

New Electronic Health Record Implementation Tools

Certified EHR Products

Article No 1 Achieving Meaningful Use

The United States health and human service department has reported that the doctors and health care practitioners have adopted health information and technology significantly and the statistics have become doubled in last two years. The health care department of US is also working for rapid implementation of information technology in the healthcare sector. This rapid information technology implementation and adaptation will be positive for the people who have degree in IT there will be huge opportunity worldwide.

The use of information technology in healthcare will provide best assistance to the practitioners and will increase the quality of care of patients. This will help practitioners to provide treatments according to the medical history. The doctors will receive incentive payments for adaptation of IT healthcare services. According to Secretary Sebelius if the doctor and hospital use IT in healthcare they are able to provide high quality care and they save money also. To improve the health care system the government is offering jobs in IT healthcare ( The Labor Statistics department has given significant details that the IT jobs in the country will significantly increase by 20% this amount is much higher than any sector in the country. By the 2018 there will be highly recruited employees in IT sector related to healthcare. IT in healthcare has become easy for the doctors this is also the reason the adaptation is increased dramatically. The new standard will not implement till the year 2014. The information exchange between the doctors and practitioners will increase and will be easier to find the history and records of the patient. The doctors have started availing incentive payments from Medicare after implementing IT in healthcare. However, it has become the responsibility of healthcare providers to secure the information and there should be government laws that can ensure the security of data and ethical use of IT in healthcare.

Critical Thinking

The use of Information Technology in healthcare will bring a positive change in the quality of care. The patient will be treated accurately and all the information of the patient will be gathered in seconds. This is a good step taken by the healthcare practitioners and doctors. Doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers are getting facilitated with this innovation and brought a change in the medical and healthcare system. Students who are graduating in the field of IT will get jobs and ...
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