Health In Underdeveloped Areas

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Health in Underdeveloped Areas

Health in Underdeveloped Areas


To improve the quality of health care in the underdeveloped countries a number of challenges have to be faced. The first and foremost duty of the health care providers is the availability of cost effective health care in areas where the mode of delivery of treatment and immunity is compromised (DeHart, Roberts et al, 2009). Many countries are trying to help these countries to overcome the drastic difference in the availability of basic need and requirements. On governmental level as well as on a private level, many organizations are working hard to provide the rural as well as urban regions of these communities with the basic healthcare facilities. Problems such as infectious diseases and reproductive health issues become the major cause of death. The greatest dilemma is that the most of the deaths are due of the reason which can be easily treated (Montgomery & Hewett, 2004).

Being the most pressing global health concern, unavailability of medicine has caused major decline in the economy of the underdeveloped countries. If these cases are timely and effectively treated millions of lives can be saved and put to use (Koplan, 2009). Once the health of the population is taken care of, the poverty rate will eventually decrease (Bloch, 2011). This is because healthy individual will commit more towards the society and put his being into use for the development of his life and his country. The burden of ill health caused by HIV/AIDS, diarrhea, measles, malaria, pneumonia, pregnancy related complications, etc. are placing the budgets of the underdeveloped countries in unrecoverable pressure (Harrowing, 2009).


Efforts are being made to present easy access to medical and surgical treatment throughout the world. Following are some of the efforts that have been made globally to implement uniformity of health care.

Price Reduction and Cost Effectiveness

Priority is being given to the fact that the drug for life threatening conditions such as HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Typhoid and some heart related conditions should be given at the lowest possible rates. Many pharmaceutical companies donate such drugs to the underdeveloped countries such as India, Pakistan, Sudan, Bangladesh, Liberia, Niger, Chad, Zimbabwe, Afghanistan, India, etc. This can be done by allowing price competition in the market. Moreover, bulk procurement and the implementation of generics policies will also aid in the reduction of prices. The elimination of custom duties, markups, tariffs and taxes on the donated drugs should be subsidized. Local factories should be constructed for providing low rate drugs to the population. This will also provide an opportunity of job placement and in turn stabilize the economy of the country.

Drug Efficacy, Quality and Safety of the Drug

Different Non-governmental organizations are working in collaboration with the governmental unions to form teams and groups that are specially trained to educate people about the pandemics and basic health issues that can be resolved without specialist care. These trained professional travel in groups to the affected areas and educate the population about their health. They also provide them with necessary ...
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