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Health Education

Health Education


A “gastrostomy” is the hole (stoma) made onto the abdomen from the stomach. A gastrostomy tube is fitted into the stoma so as to allow feeds to be given. The purpose of this paper is to educate the target audience about how to use a gastrostomy tube for the purpose of feeding. The target audience for whom the paper is intended includes parents with children of up to 18 years of age.


There are mainly two conditions when feeding through a gastronomy tube is required. The first condition is when the child has required feeding through a naso-gastric tube and his condition requires him to be fed in the same fashion for some time. The second condition is when the child has severe gastro-oesophageal reflux. In both cases, Gastrostomy tubes are used because, when compared with button placement, they provide a simpler option. Moreover, gastronomy tubes can be used as initial placements till the time when the stoma is formed properly.


There are three specific actions to be taken according to the plan such as:

Advocate for health

Empowering people to reach their potential health

Mediate between differing interests in favor of health

Insertion Procedure

The initial gastrostomy tube is put in using a surgical procedure that is necessary so as to form the gastrostomy. Gastrostomy tubes have a long extension piece which is permanently set into position. Two types of gastronomy tubes are used for this purpose. A permanent PEG (Percutaneous Endoscope Gastrostomy) is set into position with the help of a stiff disc placed inside the stomach and a flange placed outside the abdominal wall. Although deemed permanent, PEGs frequently require changing, ideally every 1 to 5 years. On the other hand, a temporary gastrostomy tube is fixed inside the stomach with the help of a soft disc. However it can also be inserted with the help of a balloon which can be removed by deflating so as to reduce its size for easier extraction. A similar flange as the one in the case of PEG can be used on the outside.

Feeding Procedure

Before beginning, it is imperative that the users hands are thoroughly cleaned and sterilized in order to avoid any infection. The user should also ensure that the surface to work on is clean.

The equipment needed should be collected.

In case a pump is being used, the appropriate amount of feed must be placed in the delivery bottle. The user must then connect the tubing and run the feed through it in order to expel the air that has gathered inside it.

The pump should then be filled with the feeding set.

The gastrostomy tube should then be flushed using 5-I0mls of cooled boiled water after which the tube is clamped. This is meant to ensure that it is not blocked.

If the feed pump is not being used, a syringe is attached to the feeding extension set. The syringe is then filled with the feed.

In order to expel air, it is imperative to run through the end of the extension before clamping the set and connecting ...
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