Health Care & Risk Management

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Health care & Risk Management

[Date of Submission]

Unit 5: Assignment

Please refer to the course study guide for the readings associated with the assignment. Upon completion of the assignment, please upload your submission to the Gateway. Refer to the instructional guide in the course resources section for assistance in uploading assignments.

Question 1

Identify five points of information that should be included in an organization's policy about incident reporting. (5 marks).Describe your organization's reporting process in relation to these five points. (10 marks) (15 marks total)


Incident reporting within health care system is a traditional reporting system that have been in place since the early 1970's, and is being used to report or for the identification of risk or for the identification of the potential risk within the organization or outside the organization, in which the organization is said to be duly involved as of its employees insurance policies which link the organization and the insurance companies.

The most important five points of information that are required to be present within an organization's policy are:

The criteria needed for defining a reportable incident, either major or minor.

The timeframe under which the incident report should be completed and submitted to the respective authorities of the organization.

The responsible persons whom the reporting is to be made and through what process at what times will the reporting are made about the policy to whom.

Outline regarding the protection of evidence and the non-disclosure terms and conditions of the company.

The criteria for defining an incident either a major or a minor.

In relation to these above described points, my organizations policies are:

An incident with the company employee either or a small or a major level is to be reported if and only if the incident has in anyway effected the employee of the organization or his/her owned or company provided property.

The timeframe given by my company is of 24 hours, under which the incident is to be reported to the respective authorities of the organization, along with any evidence, i.e. if any.

The responsible persons whom the reporting is to be made is the Sub-Department Head, who in turn reports the incident to the head of the department, who in turn reports it to the committee that has been formed for the review of the incidents that are reported.

The evidence if any included along with the report at the time of submission or later will not be disclosed to any third person other than the responsible authorities until and unless necessary and is on complete discretion of the final verdict of the incident reviewing committee.

The criteria for defining an incident either as major or minor is reported as follows:

Fortunately, most of the cases that have been reported within the organizations under the criteria of incident reporting practice are of minor level. A minor incident reporting is when:

When the results of the incident are not so clear or cannot be seen physically, for example the incident of near misses.

When there is little or minor injuries that have taken place.

When there is no ...
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