Health Care Regulations

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Health Care Regulations

Health Care Regulations

United States is the biggest, most diverse society on the earth, and their medical system also reflects that. They spend approximately two trillion dollar per year on health care. Insurance of Health is an incentive mostly attached to the job of many Americans, or it comes as a result of the programs by the government such as Medicaid and Medicare. It is ironical that America, a state that spends the most money per capita on health care, and has the most advanced technology in medicine, is not the healthiest society on the planet. Obviously, the medical system is not everything to blame.

Many U.S. citizens are not happy with their health care system. Even people, who are covered, think that the US medical system is broken. Now the challenge for government is double: they have to find a way to cover all their people; and they have to understand how to get improved value for the dollars they spend each year. So, what to do? The answer is turning to what economists call rationalizing the health care system.

Rationalizing the system means knowing how to save capital when providing enhanced care to more people. Right now, many independent estimates say that they overspend by 50% on health care, wasting 1 trillion dollar every year. That is a lot of money to waste. The vast bulk of people who are insured do not get sufficient things they need to stay healthy i.e., medications, treatments, appropriate management of chronic diseases and screenings.

There are strategies that can make a major impact towards rationalizing the medical system. One thing they can do is wiring up the medical system. With high-quality information technology in the medical field, they would be able to reduce all sorts of duplicative tests, they would know what needs ...
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