Health Care Provision.

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Health Care Provision

Health Care Provision


(National Health Service - NHS) - The system of health care provided by government to all citizens of the UK. B 1948, in 1948, after more than a century and after the reform of public health and the centennial of the first law on Public Health, was established by the service. It takes a unique position in British society because, firstly, ensure social welfare of the very large group of people, exercising care to them at all stages of baking life, and secondly, more than any other public institution implements the principle of welfare - care in the form of a solo service rather than a market commodity.

Around it is the political debate in connection with the theory of new rights of the State of the responsibilities of individuals, as well as academic debates about the possibilities of the medical profession and the causes of morbidity in the UK.


NHA was founded on the results of the Beverage Report (1942) to provide universal comprehensive curative and preventive health services of physical and mental diseases. She was given freedom in the matter of treating a patient according to his needs. Service is centrally funded through insurance and taxation. (Baggott 1994 54)

Its founders believed that the NHS will solve the problems of poor health, and full employment, along with other measures of the welfare state will lead to higher standards of health and reduce health care needs. This did not happen. Increase in cost, changes in expectations and types of disease, demographic fluctuations and permanence of class-related illness (see Beverage Report) resulted in a high level of demand. Emergency medicine, hospitalization, developed at the expense of preventive, therapeutic sector. (Glennerster 1995 67)

Garner (1979) calls this the paradigm of "no hope, no power." Patients from “Cinderella” have no independence, and have no serious interests of medicine not rise to their defense.

Their conditions of life require more care than cure. Profession, where success is associated with high technical achievements, is not attractive for aspiring doctors unable to contribute to scientific progress. The development of the medical profession in Britain is inseparable from the history of the NHS, as it guaranteed medical monopoly and a number of professional rights: (Hill 2000 75)

(a) Contracting out of NHS to private practice, and

(b), regardless of certain governance structures NHA study in hospitals,

(c) Prescribing any medication that is a private ...
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