Health Care Professionals And Patient Education

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Health Care Professionals and Patient Education

Health Care Professionals and Patient Education


The evaluation of the practice of a health professional is to analyze its clinical activity performed in-relation to practice guidelines available to date. Improved quality and safety of patient care must be the result of this comparison. This assessment is part of a dynamic improvement in the quality of care conducted at different levels: the public health system (macro), the organization of care between different professional's network (meso) and clinical practice (micro).

Healthcare communication is defined as the dealing that creates a connection between numerous healthcare clients and teams regarding issues that relates to healthcare. The model of healthcare communication views a broader perspective and includes the external factors that affect the healthcare setting, which persuades the participants also has an influence on the outcome obtained through interaction. The three major factors in healthcare communication are: transactions, contexts and relationships. Healthcare communication is a major responsibility that requires maintaining relations between all the stakeholders within the healthcare ecological unit. A healthcare employee, despite the profession and educational level, must understand that by escalating their interaction skills and utilizing them to carry out their daily tasks, improving their health care and interpersonal relationships (Loevinsohn, 2008).

Health Care Professionals

Modern techniques of health care depend on a growing number of professional high-level forms of an interdisciplinary team. These people are called health professionals when they are involve in one way or another in the administration of care. Therefore, this is a radical concept. Called health profession a profession in which a person exercises his skills or his trial or provides a service related:

maintaining or improving the health of individuals

Alternatively, treatment, care of individuals wounded, sick, handicapped, or disability

Effect on Patient Education

Psychological aspects of patient education

During training, the patient must take into account a number of psychological factors that significantly affect the results of the study. Each of these factors may prove to be an invisible barrier, retarding or even blocking our "message" to the patient. Knowledge of psychological factors can identify specific ways in which nurses can better educate patients and assist them in implementing the nursing and medical plans (Foner, 2009).

Approaches and Effects


Incomplete adoption of the disease leads to an incomplete agreement with the treatment regime, diet. Nurses, doctors it is annoying, and often lead to an ultimatum: "Either you do what is assign, or are being ...
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