Health Care Organization

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Strategic Communication and Cultural Influence over Health Care Organizations

Strategic Communication and Cultural Influence over Health Care Organizations


Healthcare organizations consider several factors while introducing innovative services to make the adoption and execution of innovative services easy and sustainable. From the perspective of service organization, innovation is a unique characteristic/ feature/ service that benefit the customer and organization (Neiva & Sorra, 2003, pp. 17-23).

The protection of the public health is actually the basis for the communication with the stakeholders. Thus, either the conveyed information being pertinent to the urgent recall foe a faulty products or the sharing of new prescribed information, both the situations are grounded in the regulators major function as a protector of public health.

Effective communication and information can be helpful in assisting in the development of a better relationship between the environment and regulatory network; however, it may also be assisting for influencing the greater environment through informing and changing the attitudes in the various target groups (Donald, 2011, pp 27-43).

Who are the stakeholders in health care organization?

A stakeholder is one taken as an individual or group influencing or being influenced by the agency's actions. Thus, the principal stakeholder groupings for the medicines regulatory agency are the national government, general public, pharmaceutical industry, health care professionals and other regulators with the EU or non-EU regulators, media with the colleagues (the internal communication).

It is a fact that different stakeholders require different consideration:

Pharmaceutical Industry


Stock Market


Commercial Sensitivity

Patient Groups

Clarity, non-sensational, concise, non-trivial, language


Contacts provided

Relevant to audience

Follow-up by NCA/regulatory agency

General Public

Clarity, non-sensational, concise, non-trivial, language

Clear recommendations for the actions

Follow up by NCA/regulatory agency

Contacts provided

Timely access

Health Care Professionals

Timely access

Clear recommendation for the actions

Follow up by NCA/regulatory agency

Contacts provided

Communication with Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder engagement is a complex process. It is important to be ready and willing to respond to various stakeholders needs to make the process accessible and relevant. Effectively engaging a diverse group of stakeholders requires specific skills, such as the ability to stay objective, translate technical information to non-research audiences, summarize and recap discussion points, work with diverse groups of people, actively listen, and to work as part of a team (Austin, 2002, pp. 228-236).

The stakeholder engagement can be defined as a series of activities undertaken by an organization in to establish relationships with them. The organization usually many stakeholders, while it is itself "a party within the community ".

By the commitment of its stakeholders, an organization can improve its social acceptability actions and decisions or avoid engaging in projects that are controversial. Interact with stakeholders to identify their concerns and respond, reducing risks and blockages that can result from misunderstandings mutual. Proactively engaging its parts stakeholders and identifying challenges ahead potentially problematic, the organization may help stabilize the sociopolitical environment (Brown, 2005, pp. 35-51).

Skills and Objectives

The skills for effectively engaging the stakeholders and applying their expertise incline heavily on the process, communication and facilitation. Thus engaging stakeholders also requires flexibility, creativity and ...
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