Health Care Managers Play A Pivotal Role In Facilitating Organizational Change

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Health Care Managers Play a Pivotal Role in Facilitating Organizational Change

Health Care Managers Play a Pivotal Role in Facilitating Organizational Change

Most of the time it has been observed that things do not change quickly in the health care organizations. This is mainly due to the governmental and other health care authorities influence and rigidity. A change that brings improvement in the overall organizational system should be accepted as soon as possible as most of the organizations which we find successful have accepted the change in time. Public Health care organizations are mostly funded by government and federal authorities this is the main reason that health care managers in these institutions are bound to follow the policies and procedures set by them (George, 1996).

The aspects of any industry that can affect due to organizational change depend on various stakeholders that are directly or indirectly involved with the organization. They are the one who get affected by the industrial change that takes place (Phillips, 1983). The change should be brought in with the mutual consensus of the industrial stakeholders as without their acceptance business activities would not be possible at all. Organizational change should be communicated to them before adoption otherwise it will be a big failure.

An organizational change can be challenging for those individuals who are not willing to accept change or are not capable of handling change. The change can be in terms of technology, process, and hierarchy. The main thing that is required is the competence level, capability and confidence in individuals, who will be involved in implementing organizational change. There are people in health care organizations, which are holding higher posts but does not have capability to accomplish all the responsibilities and duties that are associated with the post. This is the reason that at the ...