Health Care Literacy

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Health Care Literacy


There are numerous elements that have the ability to disturb the community health. These factors are reliant on not only economic and social environment but also on the physical environment. The behavior of a person and genetic factors also comes under these aspects. Primarily, one can think of varied communities as numerous social classes. Heredity, political, behavior, environment, health-care delivery systems, and socio-economic are few elements that can directly affect community health.


The rural communities make up twenty percent of U.S population. These areas have greater ratios of decreased health status, chronic illness and disability as compared to urban communities. Every age groups, starting from young ages to old age and races i.e., Native Americans, African Americans, Caucasians and Hispanics are equally affected and take worst health statistics as compared to the urban counter-parts. Few causes that are recognized till now for the differences in health-care are: low income, transportation and shortage of accessible medical-care.

Throughout America, the medical facilities are not equally available in few communities. About nine percent of physicians and ten percent of specialists are trained in rural communities, and generally do not consume weekend or evening hours. Around five hundred rural hospitals in the past twenty years had to close because of negative budgets sentence structure

Impact of Economy on Healthcare Access

In US, the economic figures compound interactions between employment, costs, and health coverage, and financial admission to the health and care consequences. The economic stress and surges effects can be seen directly in an organization where employment based coverage shows a leading role, considering the economic shocks aspects like the existing recession shows problematic analytical issues.

In US the health-care industry is an important element of national, and mostly local and regional economies. Inventions in the medical technology, shifts in public-policy, cyclical economic contractions and local-market factors can lead to sometimes contradictory and different , pressures on supply, and health-care delivery systems organizations , practitioners and suppliers.


Few reasons are present that why the transportation has been recognized as contributing issue in health-care differences of rural societies. These comprise of shortage of or the cost of suitable transportation to or from the health centers. In few cases, bad weather conditions add to transport issue. The third aspect observed was few patients were not capable of making use of the accessible mobility tentative, i.e., the necessity to move from one place to another on wheel-chair available van and single care was present. Arizona is spread-out between mountainous and deserts terrain; majority of rural parts are deprived of suitable public transport system. This makes people to search for their own transport; in few extreme circumstances, it means hitch-hiking and walking to local clinics. In summers and winters the extreme temperature variations make the transportation more torturous even by vehicle.

Majority of the roads of Arizona are constricted having sharp arcs, are crumbling away and with few potholes. In few circumstances, the roads are not cemented which is making the transportation a lot ...
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