Health Care Interview Paper

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Health Care Interview Paper

Health Care Interview Paper


I have interviewed three people from my friend's family. These three people represent 3 generations. I interviewed my father (Andrew Taylor), my friend (Micheal Anderson), and my 14 year old niece (Amma Watson).

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines health care as “the maintaining and restoration of health by the treatment and prevention of disease especially by trained and licensed professionals (as in medicine, dentistry, clinical psychology, and public health)”. The first step of health care is diagnosis. Treatment is the second. Health care also involves prevention of disease. Dimensions of heath care include outpatient care, inpatient care and long term care. The first and last do no require hospitalization. Accessibility to health care varies in different cities and countries. Different jurisdictions have different plans and goals for health care. In US, Private sector is the major contributor for providing health care services. It gives medical services to employed, insured and middle-income America. The public sector includes federal government- provided care. Military medical care, Indian health services and community health centres come under this category. The public sector also deals with low-income, uninsured America. Unemployed people also seek medical care from the public sector.

The people I interviewed receive their health care services from both sectors. My father gets it from the military medical care. My friend has a low-income. Therefore, he goes to the public sector. My niece is from a rich family. Her father earns enough to provide for her medical facilities. My niece is insured. The insurance plan is provided by her father's employer.Review of the Interviews

My father, Andrew Taylor, had good views related to health care. He receives his health care services from Tricare Prime. This health car program is for uniformed service retired member. The family also gets the medical care through it. ...
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