Health Care Human Resources Management

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Health Care Human Resources Management

Health Care Human Resources Management


This particular paper is designed in order to justify the eligibility as a candidate for the position of Manager of HR in respective hospital. In this particular paper, a document is going to be generated which is going to outline steps for the HR department. These steps are going to be beneficial for the HR managers for the sake of improving the effectiveness of HRM in this organization.

Current Trends in Health Care Affecting HRM Hiring Decision

At the time of examining the health care systems, it is really essential to explore the affect of HR over the health sector reforms. There might be verification in these reforms in accordance to the factors associated to the region we are dealing. But, at the same time, being imprecise there are usually three main trends which are identified by Zurn et al, (2004) as efficiency, equity and quality objectives. Here, the two which are going to be discussed are efficiency and quality.

There are various HR initiatives which are employed in an attempt to increase efficiency. For instance, in different cases outsourcing of different services is used for converting the fixed labor expenditures into variable costs for the sake of improving efficiency. Coming to the other one HR in the health sector reforms also looks for an improvement in the quality of services and satisfaction of their patients. In the particular sector, quality is although classified as technical quality and socio-cultural quality. Technical quality is the term refers to the impact that the health services available might be having on the health conditions. On the other hand socio-cultural quality are the one which measures the degree of acceptability of services and the extent till which expectations of the patients are being met (Zurn et al, 2004).

Significant Opportunities for HR for Becoming Strategic Partner

There are so many HR skills, activities and elements related to the organization design which are there to offer unique opportunities for the sake of enhancing the contribution of the overall HR department in strategic areas for the organizations (Lawler and Boudreau, 2009).Likewise, the HR talent development is something highly associated with all the strategic activities in some virtual meanings. This thing is suggestive towards the fact that investments in HR functional competencies and also at the same time HR strategic and business capability are something which is going to introduce more and more opportunities for playing a formative role in the business strategies for any organization (Mohrman, 2008).

Decentralization is an aspect which is significantly related when it comes to identification of new business opportunities and along with those assessing mergers, acquisitions and divestiture related strategies. This is another fact which suggests that pushing different human resources and supports out for the business units might be placing the HR leaders in a position in which they get opportunities for understanding the competitive environments at unit levels. This may also play a part at the time of determining the newer business development opportunities which may ...
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