Health Care Analysis

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Health Care Analysis

Health Care Analysis

What are the autonomy-beneficial conflicts between Rose and Andrew related to placing their mother on life support in this case? Who has the right to make the decision on behalf of the client? Why?

The conflict between Rose and Andrew was about the placing of their mother on the ventilator. According to Rose, her mother doesn't ever recommend to use such life supporting machine for her. Therefore, as her mother's will, she doesn't agree with the doctor and her brother.

In its broadest sense, a power of attorney is a written document that appoints one or more persons to act on another's behalf when that person is unavailable or unable to do so. The person who gives power of attorney is called the principal, and the person granted this power is called an attorney of fact or an agent. A principal must be mentally competent to legally sign the power of attorney agreement. This means that the principal must fully understand the powers that he or she is granting to the agent as well as the implications of transferring such power (Finkelstein, 2007).

Although the title of this document includes the word attorney, the agent does not have to be a lawyer. It can be a spouse, an adult child, or a trusted friend, as long as the agent is not considered legally incapacitated and is not a minor. By agreeing to serve as an agent, the attorney of fact takes on fiduciary duty, which is recognized by the law and charges the agent with the highest standard of care on behalf of the principal. The agent therefore agrees to act as a trustee and to make decisions in the principal's best interest.

Power of attorney documents can be completed for financial, legal, or medical matters. A financial power ...
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