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Unacceptable Health Care Actions in healthcare management

Unacceptable Health Care Actions in healthcare management


It is the industry that constitutes 15% of the overall economy of U.S and is considered as one of the largest and best healthcare industry all over the world. When any industry operates on such a huge level and involves more of the private entities rather than the government, it is likely to get affected from malpractices of different sorts of frauds and abuses. This paper discusses fraud and abuses in United States healthcare industry its impact on overall industry and how to deal with this issue.

Unacceptable Health Care Actions in Health Care Management

Healthcare Fraud

We have heard about fraud in partnership, fraud in accounting and fraud in the banking industry. Fraud in all these fields is very common but now even the healthcare industry is not safe from it. Fraud has accessed healthcare industry (Fairfield, David, et al, 1997). Now the question arises how one can do fraud in the healthcare system and the answer to that question covers a broad horizon. Fraud in the healthcare system can be done in more than one ways. This fraud can be done from both side means from the patient's end as well as from the healthcare service provider's end. This fraud can be of any type. In the healthcare system one can do fraud related to finance, ethics and behavioral misconduct. This healthcare fraud can be classified into two main areas of opportunistic fraud where an individual suddenly get a chance to commit any fraud activity and the other type is professional fraud where organized group of professionals commit fraud activity in a planned way (Fairfield, David, et al, 1997).


Fraud in the healthcare system is increasing and it is because it is the industry in United States that spends ...
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