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Intervention in Altered Health Status

Intervention in Altered Health Status

Major Problems

The major problems that are faced by older patient in the chosen case study are several, which have caused some serious consequences for her. She is almost blind, and is deaf, she has osteoporosis; rheumatoid arthritis; urinary and occasionally faecal incontinence; Haemorrhoids, and a rectal prolapse.

It should be noted that these problems may results in other health problems if they are not treated seriously. Therefore, she must take proper measures to overcome her disability to the maximum level.

In addition to that, these problems may result in a deteriorating condition for Polly Parkin such as blindness may cause her incidents like the one that happened with her when she fell while getting up for the toilet, which caused her serious fracture on her neck (Rudberg et al. 2000: 261).

Further, deafness may also result in more worsen conditions such as lack of hearing ability due to which people may not be willing to talk to her, and she may lose her few relatives (Taylor et al. 1997: 328).

Moreover, osteoporosis is progressive, which means that her bones will continue to weaken and thin if steps are not taken to slow reduction of bone mass. It can be said that Osteoporosis was caused by a lack of adequate intake of calcium, a mineral that contributes to bone strength and health. Additional risks increase with a sedentary lifestyle as Polly Parkin is involved in drinking that may increase the severity of the disease.

She may experience joint pain or stiffness or swelling around a joint that lasts more than two weeks as an effect of rheumatoid arthritis that require immediate medical treatment.

Rectal prolapse may cause Polly Parkin Constipation, Cystic Fibrosis, Pinworms (Enterobius), and Trichinosis (trichuriasis) (Hsieh 2005: 2277).

All health problems of Polly Parkin are linked together as one problem may result in increased severity of another problem and vice versa; therefore, she must be treated appropriately to overcome her medical issues.

The Nursing and Diagnostic Assessments

This is the first step nursing diagnostic may be defined as organized and systematic collection and compilation of data on the health of the patient through a variety of sources: these include the patient as a primary source, the medical record, family or any other person to give patient care. Secondary sources can be professional journals, reference texts.

From a holistic point of view it is necessary that the nurse knows the patterns of interaction of the five areas to identify the capabilities and limitations of the person and help you achieve optimal health. Ignore any of the vital processes can lead to frustration and failure for all involved. The diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis should be based primarily on a physical examination, which corroborates the presence of arthritis of at least 3 joints involves symmetric metacarpophalangeal joints or metatarsophalangeal and morning stiffness of more and 30 minutes. Both the initial assessment and the monitoring must be based on a review systematic clinical data on the inflammatory activity, functional ...
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