Health Care

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Health Care

Health Care

LO1 Understand how principles of support are implemented in health and social care practice

To understand the principles of the health care we need to understand first that people are more important than any other regulations and priorities. Health care support principles are designed to provide better health care facilities to the people. The objective of establishing these health care support principles is to provide the services by health care units regardless of patient's language, ethnicity, religion, cultural differences, or race and background. Before dealing with the illness health care practitioners must focus on the needs of the patients.

Mental illness is more significant to deal with than the physical health related problems. The health care unit's environment and atmosphere must be calmed and peaceful. Health care units must understand and realize that by providing proper and appropriate environment to the patients does make differences in the health conditions of the patients.

Health care units design principles and understand them in order to follow these principles without having the haphazard situations at the organization. Nurses at hospitals has to be trained enough to deal with the patients from every background. Senior doctors and senior nurses must share their experiences with the staff to let them learn from the exposure and previous happenings at the workplace. Organizations must be designed to avoid drawbacks and stigmas within the organizations. Discrimination must be eliminated at any workplace. Hospitals should judge anyone's pain and disease with the circumstantial situation. Every patient has to be dealt with proper caring intention. None should be considering as less pained or having greater pain. Enjoyable climate at hospitals with certain limitations have positive effects on patients health and it has been proved by researches. Health care units must portray the reality to the patients and their relatives. People must not be delivered the fake hopes about the patients. The reality about the disease and the patients' pain should be communicated with their relatives. Otherwise later than they will lose the hope and eventually social health care unit will lose the credibility. All such differences are there but they take severe facial expression when they are practiced in hospitals and other health care institutions. History is another component of differences among people. Cultural and language barriers are also considered as the hindrance in the social entity, people also have to manage this sort of problem on immediate basis.

LO 2 Understand the Impact of Policy, Legislation, Regulation, Codes Of Practice and Standards on Organization Policy and Practice

State governments are supposed to establish these principles and make laws and legislation to deal with such issues and problems. Staff members at workplace are required to work and deal with the patients regardless of the patient's backgrounds. Few cases have been revealed that sometimes practitioners and nurses are found to be guilty as they performed negative activity with respect to the above mentioned issues. Health care units have to be disciplined because these institutions are dealing directly with the life and death ...
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