Health Care

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Health Care

Health Care

Describe the evolution of the American Medical Association's position on insurance during it's' history.

The American Medical Association or AMA, founded in 1847, is the largest association of physicians and students in the United States. Although in recent years the number of members of the association has reduced for about 20% of all practicing physicians in the United States are members. The Association informs its members about the basic laws of health, represented the professional interests of doctors in the U.S. Congress and other governmental bodies and agencies of the country, protects the interests of physicians and patients, helps improve the quality of medical education and the establishment of standards of medical school and internship. AMA offers different insurance plans for individuals (Sultz & Young, 2010). From its first days the AMA began to have a significant impact on medical services in the U.S. Over the years, the AMA has become a powerful social organization of independent, representative forum of the national health policy with the influential corporate voice, have an impact on all aspects of health and medical practices as well as to other areas of public life and public policy. It is a powerful lobbying organization, without the knowledge of which cannot be approved by any significant legislative initiatives relating to health and health care. The diverse portfolio of AMA include competitive and reasonable priced insurance plans, as well as different products which are available to the physicians, residents, medical students and their families. There are also some certain products which are offered by AMA which are for the individual and their spouse's parents, grandparents and step parents as well (Sultz & Young, 2010). These products include long-term care, Medicare-approved prescription drug plan and Medicare supplement.

List and describe two of the significant social legislative initiatives passed by the US government since WWII.

Benefit corporation legislation is set out in a separate statute or chapter, rather than being embedded in the state's existing business corporation act. In each case, corporations can opt in to the new legislative construct. In California, a group of corporate lawyers spent a year drafting a very detailed proposed statute known as the Corporate Flexibility Act of 2010.

Describe the Oregon Death with Dignity Act and its potential impact on terminal care in the US.

Physician-Assisted Suicide is a much debatable topic. Many feel that it is an immoral act while others feel that it is the right thing to do. Oregon is the first state of United States that legalized the physician assisted suicide to ease the sufferings of the patient (Straussner & Ekrenkranz, 2001). The law states that the patient with terminal illness which can kill the patient within six months can request his physician to give him a lethal dose to end his life. The procedure requires two witnesses, as well. Every person has the right of autonomy that is everyone has the right to control what to do with his body and what not. This right is the absolute privilege of each ...
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